Events Organised

3rd Institutional Animal Ethics Committee Meeting

The 3rd Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) for the calendar year 2023 has been held on 24th June 2023. Proposals across various institutions were presented by the respective project investigators. Around 13 research proposals were presented and approved.

2nd Institutional Animal Ethics Committee Meeting

The 2nd Institutional Animal Ethics committee (IAEC) for the calendar year 2023 has been held on 25th March 2023. Proposals across various institutions were presented by the respective project investigators.

National intellectual property awareness mission

BRULAC, SDCH in association with the Department of Anatomy, SDCH has conducted an online IPR awareness Programme under the national intellectual property awareness mission. Dr. Jhansi Lakshmi Parimi, M.Pharmacy, PhD delivered the presentation online. Dr. M. Maria Leena coordinated the event and Dr. ‪Lavanya Prathap, Head, Department of Anatomy, introduced the speaker.

The intellectual property awareness was attended by around 150 participants. About 40 members from other academic and research institutes participated in the program

Hands-on Training cum workshop - Phase -III

BRULAC, SDCH in association with the Department of Anatomy, SDCH has conducted a workshop entitled “Hands-on Training cum workshop - Phase -III” on 4th March 2023. The workshop has invited talks followed by a hands-on session. The invited talks were delivered by Dr. M. Karthi Ganesan, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Dr. K. Meenakshi Sundaram, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, SDCH, and Dr. G. Mydhili, Department of Anatomy, SDCH.

The workshop provided hands-on insights into handling animals and provided knowledge on fluid collection and euthanasia. Around 15 members including B.Sc students and faculties from various academic and research institutes actively participated in the workshop

1st Institutional Animal Ethics committee meeting

The 1st Institutional Animal Ethics committee (IAEC) for the calendar year 2023 has been held on 21st January 2023. Proposals across various institutions were presented by the respective project investigators. Around 24 proposals were presented for approval.

Hands-on Training cum workshop - Phase -II

BRULAC, SDCH in association with the Department of Anatomy, SDCH has conducted a workshop entitled “Hands-on Training cum workshop - Phase -II” on 17th December 2022. The workshop has invited talks followed by a hands-on session. The invited talks were delivered by Dr. G. Bupesh, Assistant Professor, Nagaland University, Dr. K. Meenakshi Sundaram, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, SDCH, and Dr. G. Mydhili, Department of Anatomy, SDCH.

The workshop provided hands-on insights on handling animals and provided knowledge on fluid collection and euthanasia. Around 25 members including MBBS, BDS, and B.Sc students and faculties from various academic and research institutes actively participated in the workshop

Hands-on Training cum workshop - Phase -I


BRULAC, SDCH in association with the Department of Anatomy, SDCH has conducted a workshop entitled “Hands-on Training cum workshop” on 22nd November 2022. The workshop was invited talks followed by a hands-on session. The invited talks were delivered by Dr. M. Raman, Professor, Department of Microbiology, SDCH, Dr. Mohammed Saleem, College of Pharmacy, Riyadh ELM University, Riyadh, Dr. M. Karthik Ganesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, SDCH, Dr. K. Meenakshi Sundaram, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, SDCH.

The workshop provided hands-on insights into handling animals and provided knowledge on fluid collection and euthanasia. Around 50 members including UG, PG, Ph.D students, and faculties from various academic and research institutes actively participated in the workshop


BRULAC, SDCH in association with Department of Anatomy, SDCH has organised a guest lecture on “Cardiac markers in emergency - What’s new?” on July 16th, 2022. The lecture was delivered by Prof.R.Dhananjayan, Department of Biochemistry, Apollo Hospitals Education and Research Foundation (AHERF), Consultant & Head, Department of Biochemistry, Apollo Speciality Hospitals, Chennai. Around 92 UGs, PGs, Ph.D students and faculties actively participated in the guest lecture.

The speaker enlightened the audience with his special lecture on the importance of cardiac markers during emergency medical conditions and its current updates. The session was moderated by Dr.Lavanya Prathap, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, SDCH.

Dr. Saravanan Sekaran, Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, SDCH delivered the webinar talk

Dr. Lavanya Prathap, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy moderated the session


BRULAC, SDCH in association with the Department of Anatomy, SDCH has conducted a webinar entitled “Design and use of animal models in Bone tissue engineering and Bone regeneration” on 30th April, 2022. The webinar was a hybrid session encompassing both online and offline. The session was delivered by Dr. Saravanan Sekaran, Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, SDCH.

The webinar was an enlightening session which provided insights about the bone tissue, bone grafting, its regeneration, use of various kinds of implants, osseointegration and biocompatibility issues. Around 60 members including UG, PG, Ph.D students and faculties from various academic and research institutes actively participated in the webinar.


BRULAC, SDCH has organised and conducted national level webinar on “Application of Nanobiotechnology in Laboratory Animal Experimentations” on 31st March 2022. The session was delivered by Dr. S.Rajeshkumar, Chief Scientist & Professor, Nanomedicine Lab & Aquatic nanotoxicology unit, Department of Pharmacology.

The session focused on the use of laboratory animals in the field of Nanobiotechnology with goal of conducting research using Nanoparticles, Nanocomposites and its applications on laboratory animal experiments. Around 60 members including PG, PhD and research scientists actively participated in the webinar.

Institutional Animal Ethics Committee Meeting

The 3rd institutional Animal Ethics Committee for the calendar year of 2022 - 2023 was conducted online on 23rd August, 2022. Students, investigators and research scholars from various academic institutions and research laboratories presented their projects. Around 10 research proposals were presented and approved.

The 2nd Institutional Animal Ethics Committee for the current calendar year has been held on 21st May, 2022. Proposal across various academic institutions and research laboratories were presented by the respective investigators of the project. Around 22 research proposals were presented and approved.

The 1st Institutional Animal Ethics committee for the current calendar year has been held on 2nd April, 2022. Proposals across various institutions were presented by the respective project investigators. Around 20 proposals were presented and approved.


Presentation at IAEC by Project Investigators